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Have you ever wondered where the rock 和 roll genre began, 和 where it's been over the years? Or maybe you've wondered who some of your favorite b和s' influences might be? Many modern b和s cite their biggest inspirations as being some of the most influential b和s 和 artists of the rock genre. 今天的摇滚乐, 包括各种各样的流派,如迷幻摇滚, 摇滚民谣, 坚硬的岩石, 金属, 难看的东西, classic rock 和 soft rock can be traced all the way back to the 1940s 和 the blues music of the South. 但是在50年代, artists took traditional blues 和 changed it up to how they saw fit, 创造摇滚.

查克贝瑞 is widely credited with being one of the most important forerunners of rock 和 roll. He pioneered a new 声音 that contradicted all the musical norms at the time, 包括他的两首最具代表性的歌曲和摇滚歌曲, 《欧亚体育》(9月上映, 1957年)和Johnny B. 古德(1958年3月31日发布). If it weren't for 查克贝瑞’s contributions to the rock 和 roll genre, many artists 和 b和s would have most likely never been formed or become the influential legends we see them as today, 包括披头士乐队, 海滩男孩, 滚石乐队和埃尔维斯·普雷斯利和吉米·亨德里克斯等艺术家. The butterfly effect of Berry’s influence is seen throughout all of rock as a whole. While Berry himself has had a troubled history with the law 和 abuse, 他对摇滚的贡献不容忽视, 因为他对这一流派的影响是不朽的.

(上图来源: Pexels.com)

在60年代初的利物浦, 约翰·列侬, 保罗·麦卡特尼, 乔治·哈里森和林戈·斯塔尔将一起组成 甲壳虫乐队. The formation of the b和 marks another one of the most important 和 influential moments in rock history. With them, 甲壳虫乐队 would cause hysteria all over Britain, also known as 披头士狂热不久之后,它就成为了一种国际现象. 在他们短暂的大约10年的运营中, 甲壳虫乐队 completely changed the music scene with their influence 和 pioneering of new musical styles, 例如, 披头士乐队被认为是摇滚乐的先驱 概念专辑 还有音乐录影带. 甲壳虫乐队 saw mass popularity during a time in music history known as the 英国入侵, 那里有许多乐队, artists 和 pop culture from Britain grew rapidly in popularity in the United States.

吉米·亨德里克斯, 另一位60年代的艺术家, is also credited with progressing the rock genre 和 the electric guitar, 使用诸如“wah”和“fuzz”之类的风格和技巧 踏板, 哪些没有被广泛使用, 和 new picking techniques on the guitar which Hendrix adapted from old Blues styles. 这些新的声音帮助亨德里克斯从其他艺术家中脱颖而出, 并在岩石中保持其重要性,直到今天. 他最具影响力的歌曲包括"紫色的烟雾以及鲍勃·迪伦(Bob Dylan)的《欧亚体育》(All Along The Watchtower)的封面。. 亨德里克斯的一生在27岁时不幸夭折, 使他与科特·柯本一起成为一个独特的艺术家群体, 詹尼斯·乔普林和吉姆·莫里森被称为“27俱乐部”, 都是在27岁时去世的艺术家.

吉米·亨德里克斯  甲壳虫乐队 weren’t the only artists who utilized their guitars 和 saw a boom in popularity during the 60s 和 early 70s. Another group which formed in California during the beginning of the decade were 海滩男孩. 海滩男孩 had their own musical style based around the 60s surf scene. 他们的第一首单曲,”Surfin”,并于1962年与国会唱片公司签约. However, their big hit would come in 1964 with the release of “I Get Around”. While 海滩男孩 wouldn’t have as many #1 singles as 甲壳虫乐队, they are still one of the most influential rock b和s of all time 和 created incredibly influential works, 其中一个例子是 宠物的声音, 据说这是有史以来最伟大的专辑之一, 甚至被保罗·麦卡特尼引用为灵感来源 Sgt. 佩珀的孤独之心俱乐部乐队,这也被认为是有史以来最伟大的专辑之一.

While harder rock genres were growing in the 60s 和 70s, other forms of rock were growing. A 摇滚民谣 运动兴起于60年代. This genre uses acoustic instruments rather than the heavily distorted guitars of other rock genres, 和 it tends to focus more on classic American 和 British folk music, 更注重声乐和抒情主题. 这一流派的流行乐队和艺术家包括 爸爸妈妈 & 的爸爸 还有西蒙和加芬克尔. 软岩也会在此期间生长, 与民谣摇滚有相似的特点, 比如原声乐器和对人声的关注. 爸爸妈妈 & 特别是帕帕斯乐队录制了一首非常成功的歌曲。”加州梦”".

(上图来源: Pexels.com)

70年代是60年代末英国入侵的延续 声音. Most notably, classic rock would continue to be developed by b和s 和 artists like Bob Dylan, 滚石乐队, 他们被视为披头士的“竞争对手”以及大卫·鲍伊等其他艺术家. The 70s also saw the evolution of 坚硬的岩石 from b和s such as 和 AC/DC, Led Zeppelin 和 Aerosmith. Hard Rock is usually defined by heavily distorted electric guitars 和 loud vocals. 坚硬的岩石通常与金属结合使用, 这两种类型经常被混淆, 但它们确实有各自的差异. 金属, 在70年代也开始增长, is typically a faster-pace genre than 坚硬的岩石 和 has long guitar solos.

艺术摇滚 和 迷幻 rock are two terms used loosely with each other to describe a genre of rock with a focus on instrumentation 和 somewhat bizarre concepts. 平克·弗洛伊德 深入研究 迷幻 这个声音最终成为了他们名字的同义词. The 迷幻 声音 is usually categorized by a large use of electronic 声音s, 反馈回路和实验概念.  1973年,平克·弗洛伊德发行了他们最大的专辑 《月亮的阴暗面, which holds the record for the longest time any album stayed on the US Billboard top LPs 和 Tape chart, 非连续居住超过972周. 许多艺术家都被认为是这种声音的普及者, 有些是深红国王, 门乐队和最近的Tame Impala乐队.

从70年代到80年代, 其他艺术家和乐队也推出了他们的摇滚风格, 比如布鲁斯·斯普林斯汀, Lynyrd Skynyrd, 女王, ZZ Top, 世卫组织, 电光乐团钢铁丹和弗利特伍德麦克. All of these artists contributed to the rock genre, each with their own hit songs. 尤其是女王,“波西米亚狂想曲", a song with a style that had never been seen before 和 has yet to be replicated as successfully since. Lynyrd Skynyrd也发布了自由的鸟,这首歌有近五分钟的吉他独奏.

At the end of the 70s 和 the beginning 80s, pop rock was beginning to grow. The combination of the classic rock 声音s 和 new additions of catchy hooks 和 synths would merge rock with the 声音s of disco 和 pop 和 make another form of the classic genre. Artists who may fall under this genre include Prince, U2 和 Tears for Fears. 这些艺术家都创作了令人难以置信的流行歌曲,比如紫色的雨“王子,”有你或没有你U2乐队和每个人都想统治世界《恐惧的眼泪》.

(上图来源: Pexels.com)

在整个80年代,许多不同的乐队来来去去. 最值得注意的是,金属乐队越来越受欢迎. 金属, 如上所述, 是一种有着严重扭曲吉他的摇滚流派吗, 长吉他独奏和响亮的人声. 著名的金属和硬摇滚乐队包括KISS乐队, 金属乐队, Megadeth, 黑色安息日, 范·海伦和奥兹·奥斯本这样的艺术家. While the 金属 genre has been around since the 60s, it saw a large boost in popularity in the 80s. 金属乐分裂成许多不同的分支, 80年代最著名的音乐类型是毛金属, a more pop 和 produced 声音 which saw a large boost in popularity throughout the USA.

尽管80年代的金属乐队没有停止的迹象, a counterculture was growing out of Seattle 和 would explode in popularity at the beginning of the 90s, 标志着华丽金属乐队的终结. 虽然有许多不同的名字被用来描述这一流派, 难看的东西 最被广泛接受和使用的术语是什么. 这种类型起源于西雅图, WA, 垃圾摇滚是80年代金属乐队所不具备的一切. 它是粗糙的,未经生产的,而且更地下. Some exceptionally notable 难看的东西 b和s include Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam 和 Alice in Chains. 难看的东西 came at just the right time that it resulted in an explosion of popularity. 难看的东西 began to lessen in popularity by the mid 90s, around the time of Kurt Cobain's passing.

从90年代末到21世纪初, 形成了许多不同的岩石亚流派, 一些例子是另类摇滚和独立摇滚, 哪些在2010年代大受欢迎. 这一时期出现的成功乐队包括Green Day, 电台司令, 二人组合the White Stripes, 喷火战机, 威瑟合唱团, 红辣椒和酷玩乐队. 最近, 主流音乐中出现的乐队越来越少, rather there has been a rise of solo artists performing the instruments themselves or having a backing b和. 就像在流行音乐和说唱音乐中看到的那样, using computers to digitally create instrumental tracks has also become popular. Solo artists 和 digitally composed tracks may lead to a decrease in traditional rock b和s, 但是这种类型的游戏每天都在变得越来越受欢迎. 随着过去几年流媒体应用的推出, 还有乐队利用社交媒体来宣传他们的名字, 更多的人能够发现新的音乐. 下一个大牌就在眼前, 没有人能预测这类游戏的下一个发展方向.





亚历杭德罗·“Aj”·卡特是CCHS的大三学生,也是the 掠袭者审查. 他的爱好包括音乐、吉他和艺术.

Aj主要写音乐方面的文章. His favorite pastime activities include playing 和 learning new music on his guitar, 与朋友共度时光, 了解更多他的兴趣爱好.

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