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No Progress Towards Peace: The United States Votes Against Peace Initiative Between Israel and the Palestinians

No Progress Towards Peace: The United States Votes Against Peace Initiative Between Israel and the Palestinians

Joe D ' arcangelo, 24岁

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以色列和哈马斯之间的冲突仍在继续, 美国公众似乎只会变得越来越分裂. 根据… 皮尤研究中心民调, 21% of Republicans believe Israel is responsible for starting the war. 这与50%的民主党人持这种观点形成鲜明对比. 然而,美国人民在这个问题上存在分歧, the stance of the American government remains firmly in support of Israel. 

In opposition to overwhelming global support for peace between Israel and Hamas, 美国是十个这样做的国家之一 投票反对 联合国对和平的呼吁. 投票于12月12日星期二举行, and only demonstrates the diplomatic risks the United States is facing for its continued support of Israel. 尽管乔·拜登 一直在推动 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to reorganize his hard right leaning government and stop the indiscriminate bombing of Palestinians, 似乎没有取得任何进展. 

事实上, the United States has not made any serious attempts to even persuade Israel to negotiate with Hamas and has allowed other nations to take initiative. On Wednesday November 22nd, Qatar, the chief mediator between Israel and Hamas, 宣布达成协议 had been reached detailing an exchange of hostages between the warring entities. 在协议中,哈马斯同意释放50名以色列士兵 237名人质 而以色列同意从监狱释放150名巴勒斯坦人. 

这项协议的结果导致了哈马斯 释放81名以色列人24名外国人和2名美国人被释放. 这笔交易还伴随着人质交换的休战. The truce was intended to last 4 days but was able to last a full week. 不幸的是,这种休战破裂了 突然而猛烈的结束 after Israel resumed bombardment of 加沙地带 after a suspected terrorist attack within Israel. Both sides point fingers at one another for the restart of the violence. 

Blaming the other side for the continued violence has been a trend throughout the ongoing conflict. 战争开始于 2023年10月7日 after an Hamas terrorist attack in which 1,200 Israelis were killed and 237 were taken hostage. Israel responded to this attack with indiscriminate bombing of Palestinian territory which has resulted in an estimated 47,100人伤亡, 包括妇女和儿童. 

The brutality and violence displayed by this conflict is yet another episode in a series of a nearly century long conflict starting with the 贝尔福宣言, a British Colonial policy which established a Jewish state within Palestine in 1917. By 1946, 这是纳粹主义在欧洲兴衰的直接结果, 375以上,000名犹太人迁入该地区, 主要来自欧洲. 

第二次世界大战后的联合国 提出一个计划 在巴勒斯坦人和以色列人之间划分土地. However the Palestinians rejected this plan because it allocated 55% of the land to the Jewish population who accounted for only 33% of the population. 由于意见不合,这个计划从未实施. 

以色列人发起了 Nabkha, an ethnic cleansing of Palestinian territory to expand the control of the Israeli state. 犹太准军事组织会袭击巴勒斯坦村庄. 1947年至1949年间, 500多个村庄被烧毁,造成至少15人死亡,000名巴勒斯坦人. This genocide resulted in the state of Israel controlling 78% of the available land, 将剩下的22%降级, 加沙和约旦河西岸, 对巴勒斯坦人. 以色列将继续勉强同意150人,000 Palestinians left living within their borders citizenship 20 years after their annexation of the land.     

In 1967, the Six-Day War, was the next major Israeli-Palestinian conflict. 这场战争开始于以色列军队发动的 先发制人 对抗埃及和叙利亚军队. 战争只打了6天就结束了, 但是以色列占领了西奈半岛, 戈兰高地, 加沙地带, 和约旦河西岸. Israel annexed all of the previously mentioned territories and now controlled 100% of previously Palestinian territory. 加沙地带在战后被归还给埃及. 

随后又有数千名巴勒斯坦人流离失所, and the ones who stayed in occupied territories were treated as second class citizens with no rights of expression. 下 马列主义人民阵线 为解放巴勒斯坦而战, many Palestinians resorted to terrorist and guerrilla style attacks on Israel. Palestinians also continued to lose land as Israelis would establish illegal settlements on Palestinian land.

1987年,两国再次爆发暴力冲突. After an Israeli truck collided with a Palestinian van killing 4 Palestinians the 第一次起义 将开始. This uprising led to the establishment of the Hamas movement which began a consistent armed rebellion against Israeli occupation. During this period of instability, Israel killed 1,070 Palestinians and arrested upwards of 175,000. 

起义在1993年结束 奥斯陆协议 签署了. In this agreement, Israel took more Palestinian land and now controlled 66% of the West Bank. The Palestinian Authority was established during these agreements and was originally supposed to be a democratic Palestinian government, but has essentially just become another channel for Israel to control Palestine’s territory. In 1995 Israel also built concrete walls around Palestinian settlements, 切断巴勒斯坦人之间的联系. 

以色列开始全面封锁加沙 2007年加沙地带 以防止哈马斯进一步的恐怖主义. They have launched 5 military operations within the strip since then in 2008, 2012, 2014, 2021, 最近一次袭击发生在2023年. More than 2 million Palestinians have remained trapped within Gaza since the beginning of this blockade. 

 自以色列成立以来,美国一直支持以色列. 但我们今天看到的坚定支持始于约翰. 肯尼迪 强调美国的“特殊关系” 以色列人民. 在1967年的六日战争期间, the United States was more than happy to support Israel in its fight in order to prevent the spread of communism in the region. From t在这里, we have seen the United States continue to show unwavering support for Israel. 

Author's note: The conflict between Israel and Palestine is an intricate issue that requires an accurate understanding of the history and motivations from both sides. This article is meant for purely informational purposes and does not intend to support one side or the other in this conflict. One should learn the facts about both sides before blindly believing one side or the other. 





Joe D’Arcangelo is a senior at Central Catholic from Pelham, New Hampshire. 他喜欢跑步和锻炼. He is actively involved in the cross country and track teams and is vice president of the senior Student Council. 乔在空闲时间喜欢听摇滚乐.

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